How Cantaloupe is Good For Your Health

Nutrient Content


Excellent Source of: 

  • Vitamin A – 106%
  • Vitamin C – 95%

Also a Source of:

  • Folate – 8%
  • Niacin – 6%
  • Vitamin B6 – 6%
  • Vitamin K – 5%
  • Thiamin – 4%


Good Source of: 

  • Potassium – 12%

Also a Source of:

  • Magnesium – 5%


A Source of:

  • Fiber – 6%
  • Antioxidants – Beta Carotene, Flavonoids, Tannins

*All nutritional info from (1)

How Cantaloupe Prevents Chronic Disease

How Cantaloupe Helps to Prevent Cancer

Cantaloupe contains several powerful antioxidants that help prevent cancers by preventing cellular damage. In general, fruit has been shown to reduce risk of cancer. Many experts believe this is in part due to their high antioxidant activities. (2)

  • Beta Carotene: Beta Carotene is the predominant pigment in cantaloupe and gives the fruit its bright orange color. Cantaloupe is one of the best sources of beta carotene. It is shown that the variety of beta carotene found in cantaloupe is more readily usable than that of other healthy sources, like carrots. (3,4) Dietary beta carotene consumption is associated with reduced risk of breast, colorectal, and lung cancer. (5,6,7) It should be noted that beta carotene supplementation has not been found to be effective in preventing these cancers; it may even increase risk of lung cancer and stomach cancer. (8)

How Cantaloupe Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Cantaloupe prevents cardiovascular disease through the activity of a number of nutrients.
  • Blood Pressure: Cantaloupe is a good source of potassium (12%). Sufficient consumption of potassium helps control blood pressure. (11)
  • Heart Disease: Sufficient consumption of fruits will lower your risk of heart disease. (12)
  • Stroke: Fruit consumption also lowers your risk of stroke through cholesterol regulation and anti-inflammatory activity. (12)

How Cantaloupe Prevents Diabetes

Fruit consumption is also associated with a reduced risk of diabetes. (13) It is essential to understand that fruits are preventative against diabetes ONLY when they are consumed in their WHOLE form.

  • Hydration: Cantaloupe is predominantly composed of water, and proper hydration is associated with reduced risk of diabetes. (13)

Cantaloupe Helps Promote a Number of Health Benefits

How Cantaloupe Promotes Hair and Skin Health

  • Vitamin A: Cantaloupe is one of the best sources of Vitamin A. Vitamin A assists the replacement of skin cells, which helps ensure our skin stays fresh and healthy. (14) Vitamin A also regulates keratin production in hair, so vitamin A helps keep hair looking and feeling healthy. (15)
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps promote collagen synthesis for healthy skin and protects against UV damage. (16)

How Cantaloupe Promotes Immune Health

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports several cells in the immune system and their respective functions, allowing our bodies to fight off infection more effectively. (17)

How Cantaloupe Promotes Vision

  • Vitamin A- Vitamin A is especially important for night vision. Vitamin A is converted into rhodopsin, which is the photopigment used for night vision. (18)
  • Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is the precursor to vitamin A, so it is logical that it helps with vision. Vitamin A has not been shown to reduce macular degeneration effectively, but beta carotene blood levels have been shown to help prevent this condition. (19)

Concerns With Cantaloupe

  • Cantaloupe, like many fruits, contains a lot of sugar. So, consuming large amounts of cantaloupe in one-sitting may have negative effects. People should be especially aware of this with cantaloupe, as it is not as rich in fiber as other fruits. Therefore, cantaloupe does not combat blood sugar spikes as effectively.