How Onions Help Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrient Content


Excellent Source of (Daily Recommended): 

  • Vitamin C – 20%

Good Source of (Daily Recommended)

  • Vitamin B6 – 10%

Good Source of (Daily Recommended)

  • Folate – 8%
  • Thiamin – 5%
  • Riboflavin – 3%


Good Source of (Daily Recommended): 

  • Manganese – 10%

A Source of:

  • Potassium – 7%
  • Phosphorus – 5%
  • Magnesium – 4%
  • Calcium – 4%
  • Copper – 3%


Good Source of (Daily Recommended):

  • Fiber – 11%

Also a Source of:

  • Antioxidants – fisetin, quercetin, anthocyanins
  • Prebiotics – inulin, fructooligosaccharides

*All nutritional information found at (1)

How Onions Prevent Chronic Disease

Onions are loaded in nutrients that can help prevent a number of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more!

How Onions Prevent Cancer

  • Onions are loaded with antioxidants that have been shown to fight cancerous molecules, such as free radicals.

  • Typically, cancer is caused by an increase in oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, which can lead to cancer cells metastasizing and spreading throughout your body. (2)

  • However, it has been shown that eating onions can reduce your risk for a number of cancers, such as stomach and colorectal cancers.

    • One group of studies showed that eating onions can reduce your risk of stomach cancer by up to 22%! (3)
    • Another study showed that onions could reduce your risk for colorectal cancer by up to 15%. (4)
    • These positive effects are primarily due to the onions’ rich nature in antioxidants, sulfur compounds, and fiber.

  • Onions are rich in onionin A, which is a sulfur-containing compound that has been proven to slow the spread of a number of cancers, including ovarian and lung cancers. Onionin A specifically reduces tumor development and increases apoptotic activity levels in the cancer cells. (5, 6)

  • Onions also are rich in fisetin and quercetin. These antioxidants have been shown to promote tumor destruction and reduce your risk of cancer. (7)

  • Onions also contain anthocyanins, especially purple onions. Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce your risk for cancers through its apoptotic abilities and capability to regulate the cell cycle. (8) These molecules are the same type found in berries that give them their strong anti-cancer properties.

  • Moreover, onions are plentiful in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps improve your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body. As a result, you are able to fight against foreign molecules at a better rate, such as free radicals. So, in short, vitamin C helps decrease your risk of cancer. (9)

How Onions Prevent Diabetes

  • Onions have been shown to have exceptional ability in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes. Specifically, onions are rich in quercetin another sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds have been shown to have potent antidiabetic effects. (10)

    • In one study, researchers showed the mechanism of quercetin, which interacts with cells in the small intestine, liver, and pancreas to help regulate the blood sugar levels. (11)
    • Another study showed that rats who were fed onion extract significantly decreased their fasting blood sugar and had lower fat than those that were not given the extract by the end of one month. (12)
  • Moreover, onions are rich in fiber. Fiber has been shown to help protect against type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. Specifically, fiber keeps you fuller for a more extended period and slows digestion; thus, you consume fewer carbs and have a lower chance of having significant sugar spikes throughout the day. (13)

How Onions Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

  • Onions are loaded in compounds that can fight against inflammation and reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease.

  • As mentioned previously, onions are rich in quercetin, which is an antioxidant that has been shown to reduce heart disease risk factors and blood pressure levels. (14)

    • One study showed that onion extract, filled with quercetin, reduced systolic blood pressure by up to 6 mmHg compared to those that were not given the extract.

  • Onions have also been shown to reduce your bad LDL cholesterol levels. The anthocyanins and other antioxidants have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol clumping, which reduces your risk for heart attacks or stroke. Specifically, the antioxidants help lower triglyceride levels and blood clot formation. (15)

Onions Promote a Number of Health Benefits

How Onions Promote Bone Health

Onions promote bone health by increasing bone strength and density. Studies have shown that onions reduce oxidative stress and can prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, they can help improve your bone density, making your bones stronger over time and preventing age-related illnesses.

One study showed that older adults who ate onions could reduce their risk for hip fracture by 20% compared to those that did not consume onions! (16)

How Onions Promote Digestion

Onions are filled with fiber and prebiotics, which are essential for gut health.

Prebiotics help feed the gut bacteria and create short-chain fatty acids. Studies have shown that short-chain fatty acids strengthen gut health and reduce inflammation. (17)

Specifically, onions are rich in inulin and fructooligosaccharides. These have been shown to help feed the bacteria in your gut and promote proper gut health. (18)