Creating a Trail Mix

Cooking Utensils

A container to hold it

Prep Time

2 Minutes

Cook Time

0 Minutes

Nuts are packed with healthy fats, fiber, and much more! They are great paired with dried fruit and dark chocolate. Just be mindful of portion sizes! 

Health Information

Basic Nutrition

Recipe makes 4 servings. 

Serving is based on 1 oz. almonds, 1 oz cashews, 0.5 oz dried cranberries, 1 piece of dark chocolate (70+% cacao)

Food Group Servings

Accordion Content




You can put whatever you want in your trail mix! We want to provide you with a blueprint to use to make the trail mix most appealing to you.


Add 1 cup of nuts of your choosing

Nuts are one of the core components of trail mix, as they are packed in nutrients and flavor to keep you powering through the day. We enjoy making multiple servings of trail mix at once, so you have a healthy snack readily available for days to come! Each individual serving is best with  1/4 cup of nuts of your choosing. It could be one kind or 4 you select. Here are some of our favorites







Dried Fruit

Add 1/4 cup of dried fruit

Dried fruit will give you a boost of healthy sugars. Try not to consume more than 1/4 cup of dried fruit in a day, as the sugar can add up! Below are some good dried fruit options.








1 piece of chocolate per serving made

Needs some sweets with a health snack for the perfect salty, sweet balance? We strongly encourage you to get a dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao. Chocolate chips are fine, but hard to find at high cacao amounts. We recommend buying a bar and taking a piece per serving and breaking them up into smaller pieces to make it last longer!


Mix all the contents together in one big container that you can grab from. If portion sizes are a concern, break up all of the ingredients into smaller portions. The amount provided above should provide 4 heaping servings!

Tips & Tricks:

  • Fresh fruit pairs well with nuts and chocolate. Skip the dried fruit and just eat with a serving of fruit!
  • Granola and high fiber cereals are a nice addition to offer a healthy carb source.