How Bell Peppers Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrient Content (Red Pepper)


Excellent Source of: 

  • Vitamin C – 317%
  • Vitamin A – 97%
  • Vitamin B6 – 22%

Good Source of: 

  • Folate – 17%
  • Vitamin E – 12%

Also a Source of:

  • Vitamin K – 9%
  • Niacin – 7%
  • Riboflavin – 7%
  • Thiamin – 5%


A Source of:

  • Potassium – 9%
  • Manganese – 8%
  • Iron – 4%
  • Magnesium – 4%
  • Phosphorus – 4%


Excellent Source of: 

  • Fiber

Also a Source of:

  • Antioxidants – Beta Carotene, Capsanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin 

*nutritional info from (1)

It is important to note that different-colored bell peppers (Orange, Green, Yellow, and Red) are all still bell peppers; however, due to color variations and development, all different colored bell peppers have slightly different nutrient profiles. Bell peppers are a great health resource and deliver excellent amounts of essential nutrients. The primary difference is that red peppers offer the most antioxidants and are the most developed of the three colors.

How Bell Peppers Prevent Chronic Disease

How Bell Peppers Prevent Cancer

All three varieties of bell pepper provide you a rich dose of fiber and more than your daily dose of vitamin C. Fiber and vitamin C are two nutrients that have been shown to reduce risk of colorectal and lung cancer. (23)

  • As mentioned before, red bell peppers have the highest levels of antioxidants. Bell peppers are packed with beta carotene, capsathin, quercetin, lycopene, and luteolin. (4) Antioxidants can prevent damage to our cells caused by free radicals, which we are generated through environmental stressors. Free radical damage can lead to uncontrolled growth and metastatic cancers. Neutralizing free radicals through a healthy diet is essential for preventing cancer. 

How Bell Peppers Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

All bell peppers contain soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber reduces LDL cholesterol levels. When moving through the gut, soluble fibers clump together and pick up cholesterol before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. As a result, cholesterol molecules can be expelled as waste. (5) When LDL cholesterol levels are high, they can block blood flow and increase risk of heart attack and stroke. (6)

The antioxidants previously mentioned also help preserve cardiovascular health. When cholesterol is oxidized by free radicals, it hardens on the arterial wall and blocks blood flow. This is called atherosclerosis. Antioxidants prevent inflammation and neutralize free radicals to prevent arterial blockages and tissue damage. (7) Research has not revealed if some peppers have more impact on cardiovascular health than others.

Although they are not a significant source of these nutrients, it should be noted that bell peppers provide some magnesium and potassium. Both of these micronutrients are vital for the regulation of blood pressure, even reducing abnormally high blood pressure. (8, 9)

How Bell Peppers Prevent Diabetes

Bell peppers are an excellent resource for diabetes prevention. They are not high in calories, contain minimal sugar, and are a good source of fiber. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the inability of glucose (sugar) to be moved from the blood into the cells due to chronic exposure to blood sugar spikes. In short, regular consumption of foods that cause blood sugar spikes can put you at an increased risk of diabetes. Bell peppers, on the other hand, are a low glycemic food, which means that they do not affect blood sugar levels. The fiber in bell peppers can even slow digestion, which allows sugars to be absorbed more slowly. 

Fiber fills you up quicker, so you do not overeat as much. Obesity is a significant risk factor for diabetes, so foods like bell peppers that aid in weight loss are an excellent resource for diabetes prevention.

Bell Peppers Promote a Number of Health Benefits

How Bell Peppers Promotes Digestion

Bell peppers promote healthy digestion in two ways. Bell peppers contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. These two varieties of fiber add bulk to your stool, help to keep food moving, and regulate bowel movements. (10) The soluble fiber acts as a prebiotic, which means that it feeds the good bacteria in the gut. Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome helps you avoid gastrointestinal diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. (11)

How Bell Peppers Promote Immune Health

Bell peppers are packed with vitamin C. One bell pepper provides you with more than your daily dose of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for a number of immune functions that help our bodies combat foreign pathogens. (12)

How Bell Peppers Promote Vision

Bell peppers are an excellent source of vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these nutrients promote vision strength and longevity. Vitamin A is specifically important for night vision. Without sufficient vitamin A, your night vision will suffer. (13) Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect the eyes from damage. They have been shown to prevent macular degeneration. (14)
