How Oranges are Good For Your Health

Nutrient Content


Excellent Source of (Daily Recommended): 

  • Vitamin C – 160%

Good Source of (Daily Recommended):

  • Folate – 14%
  • Thiamin – 10%

A Source of:

  • Vitamin A – 8%
  • Vitamin B6 – 5%
  • Pantothenic Acid – 5%


A Source of:

  • Potassium – 9%
  • Calcium – 7%
  • Magnesium – 4%
  • Copper – 4%


Good Source of (Daily Recommended): 

  • Fiber – 17%

Also a Source of:

  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids
  • Antioxidants – D-Limonene, beta-carotene

*All nutritional information found at (1)

How Oranges Prevent Chronic Disease

Oranges, like many fruits, prevent several chronic diseases that plague America today. Most notably, oranges help to prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

How Oranges Prevent Cancer

In general, fruit is recommended to be consumed daily in order to help prevent cancer. Orange is a great resource to incorporate into your diet to prevent various cancers.

  • Cancer progresses through oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. This is specifically attributed to excess free radicals roaming around the body and damaging various tissues and molecules essential for bodily function. Ultimately, the cancer cells become strong enough to impact other tissues, and we become diagnosed with fatal cancer. (2)

  • However, oranges have many preventative effects against cancer. Specifically, let’s begin with vitamin C. Vitamin C, in addition to other antioxidants found in oranges, is essential for fighting off free radicals and eliminating by assisting white blood cell activity. (3)

  • Also, the fiber found in oranges has been shown to have cancer-preventing effects. (4)

  • Oranges are rich in d-limonene. D-limonene has been shown to alter signaling pathways in cancer cells and prevent these cells from proliferating (multiplying) over time. As a result, the cancer cells are weakened and die via apoptosis. Thus far, d-limonene has been shown to protect against a variety of cancers, including stomach, colon, pancreatic, and more! (5, 6, 7) More studies are needed to confirm these beneficial effects and findings of d-limonene.

How Oranges Prevent Diabetes

  • The fiber found in oranges can help prevent diabetes by keeping blood sugar levels under control. Typically, if you have too many sugary foods, there is excess sugar in the blood after digestion. Ultimately, this leads to blood sugar spikes and eventual type 2 diabetes. However, due to the fiber content, you eat less and feel fuller, so there are fewer sugars to break down and blood sugar levels can be maintained! (8)

  • Also, oranges are rich in simple sugars. Oranges contain fructose, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable due to its low glycemic index. Still, you should not over consume oranges–this can lead to adverse side effects such as gut acidity. (9)

How Oranges Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Oranges can help prevent cardiovascular disease by keeping blood pressure and cholesterol in check!

  • Blood Pressure: Oranges are rich in Vitamin B6. This enables production of hemoglobin, which in turn helps carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of the body. Also, oranges are rich in magnesium, which has been shown to lower blood pressure. (10)

  • Cholesterol: Oranges can help reduce your bad LDL cholesterol through the activity of their antioxidants. When there is excess LDL cholesterol (which can happen through diet), there can be clumping in the blood vessels. If this persists, it can ultimately lead to heart disease and stroke. In order to prevent this from happening,  polymethoxylated flavones (PMF) improve the levels of good HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol levels. This effect can be more significant than even some prescription drugs. (11)

Oranges Promote a Number of Health Benefits

Orange not only helps to prevent diseases but support and promote the function of several important systems in our bodies.

How Oranges Promote Immune Health

  • Oranges have one of the highest vitamin C contents of any fruit. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce damage to your DNA and improve the overall immune system by increasing the quantity of white blood cells. (12)

How Oranges Promote Skin Health

  • Similar to other fruits, the antioxidants found in oranges, specifically vitamin C, can help improve overall skin health. They can help prevent wrinkles and healthy aging! (13)

How Oranges Promote Eye Health

  • Oranges are rich in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which is vital for preventing age-related macular degeneration, or blindness correlated with aging. (14)

How Oranges Promote Digestion

  • The fiber content in oranges helps promote digestive health and enables you to maintain regular bowel movements. Oranges have soluble and insoluble fiber. The combination of both helps treat constipation, improves intestine and stomach health, and prevents diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. (15)

Concerns with oranges

  • Similar to other fruits, oranges should be consumed in moderation. The acidity in oranges can cause adverse effects when consumed in excess.
