How Apples Are Good For Your Health

Nutrient Content


Good Source of (Daily Recommended): 

  • Vitamin C – 10%

Also a Source of:

  • Vitamin K – 3%
  • Vitamin B6 – 3%


A Source of:

  • Potassium – 4%


Good Source of (Daily Recommended):

  • Fiber (Soluble/Insoluble) – 12 %

Also a Source of:

  • Antioxidants – Quercetin, Catechin, Phloridzin, Chlorogenic Acid

*All nutritional information found at (1)

How Apples Prevent Chronic Disease

Apples, like many fruit help, prevent several chronic diseases that plague America today. Most notably, apples help to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

How Apples Prevent Cancer

In general, fruit are recommended to be consumed daily in order to help prevent cancer. Apples, being one of the most easily accessible fruit, are a great resource to incorporate into your diet to prevent various cancers.

  • Antioxidants: The antioxidants found in apples are one of the main reasons why they are useful for cancer prevention. Antioxidants work to neutralize dangerous free radicals that can damage our DNA and other components of our cells. Ultimately, this can lead to cancer. (2)
    • The antioxidants found in apples are predominantly phytochemicals, which are bioactive chemicals found in plants that have been shown to have protective properties. Vitamin C has also been shown to have antioxidant activity as well.

  • Variety is Important: Studies have shown that different apples have different antioxidant activity levels, so the best way to secure optimal benefits is to consume a variety of apples. (3) Antioxidants give fruit their bright colors, so make sure to have a variety of colors.

  • Cancer Prevention: One study showed that apples help reduce your risk for Breast, Colorectal, Lung, and Oesophageal Cancers. (4)

How Apples Prevent Diabetes

Fruit consumption is an excellent way to prevent diabetes. Fruit offer a number of protective benefits that improve many of the hallmarks of type 2 diabetes.

  • Fiber: One of the main reasons why apples help to prevent diabetes is their fiber content. The soluble fiber found in apples helps reduce glucose and insulin levels. (5) Fiber also helps prevent blood sugar spikes by slowing digestion; this allows insulin to properly metabolize sugar and reduces risk of developing insulin insensitivity, or prediabetes (6).

How Apples Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Eating fruit is an effective strategy to prevent cardiovascular diseases and major cardiac events like heart attack and stroke. (7)

  • Blood Pressure: Although it is not a significant source of potassium, an apple provides 4% of your daily recommended intake of potassium. Sufficient consumption of potassium helps to reduce blood pressure. (8)
  • Cholesterol: Our diets can lead to an increase in bad LDL Cholesterol. The soluble fiber found in apples is called pectin. (9) Pectin has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels by removing it from the arterial walls as it moves through the bloodstream. (10) Build-up of LDL cholesterol can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis, and reduced blood flow. Eventually, build-up of LDL cholesterol can cause full blockages, greatly increasing risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Inflammation: More recent research has shown that chronic inflammation, present in the body due to stress or diet, increases risk of heart attack and stroke. (11) The antioxidants in apples have anti-inflammatory properties and can protect the body from cardiovascular disease caused by excess inflammation. (12)

Apples Promote a Number of Health Benefits

Apples not only help to prevent diseases, but support and promote the functionality of several important systems in our bodies.

How Apples Promote Digestion

By being an excellent source of fiber, apples can add bulk to your stool, which can in turn help to regulate your movements.

How Apples Promote Energy

Apples provide a burst of energy, like coffee, through its natural glucose and slow release of nutrients. (13)

How Apples Promote Gut Health

The soluble fiber pectin is an excellent prebiotic. This means that it serves as a food source for the good bacteria found in the gut. Maintaining a healthy microbiome is vital to digestion, nutrient absorption, brain health, heart health, mood, and sleep. (14)

How Apples Promote Immune Health

Phagocytes and T-Cells, critical components of our immune system, need vitamin C to function properly. (15) Some evidence has shown that vitamin C consumption may reduce the length of certain illnesses, but not prevent them entirely. (16)

How Apples Promote Weight Loss

Apples are low in calories and are a good source of fiber, so they help fill you up quicker and keep you full for longer, preventing overeating. For these reasons, apples are an excellent choice for an in-between meal snack to power you through your day!

Concerns With Apples

  • Overconsumption of apples may lead some to experience diarrhea due to high fiber levels.
  • Since apples provide a lot of sugars, you should be conscientious of your oral care while consuming them.
  • Overconsumption of a higher sugar source can have adverse effects. As with other fruits, apple consumption should be varied and kept in moderation!