¿Cómo los tomates son buenos para la salud?

Contenido Nutritivo


Excelente Fuente de (Recomendación Diaria): 

  • Vitamina C – 32%
  • Vitamina A – 25%

Buena Fuente de (Recomendación Diaria): 

  • Vitamina K – 15%

También una fuente de:

  • Vitamina B6 – 6%
  • Folato – 6%
  • Vitamina E – 4%
  • Tiamina – 4%
  • Niacina – 4%


Buena Fuente de (Recomendación Diaria): 

  • Potasio – 10%

También una fuente de:

  • Manganeso – 8%
  • Magnesio – 4%
  • Fósforo – 4%
  • Cobre – 4%
  • Hierro – 2%
  • Zinc – 2%


También una fuente de:

  • Fibra - 7%
  • Ácidos grasos omega-6
  • Antioxidantes – Betacaroteno, Licopeno

*Toda la información nutricional se encuentra en (1)

¿Cómo los tomates previenen las enfermedades crónicas?

Quizás se pregunte por qué clasificamos los tomates como vegetales. Lo hacemos porque en 1893, la corte suprema de los Estados Unidos dictaminó clasificar los tomates como una verdura dietética. (2) Los tomates, como muchas verduras, previenen varias enfermedades crónicas que azotan a Estados Unidos en la actualidad. En particular, los tomates ayudan a prevenir el cáncer, la diabetes y las enfermedades cardíacas.

¿Cómo los tomates previenen el cáncer?

In general, vegetables are recommended to be consumed daily in order to help prevent cancer. Tomatoes are a great resource to incorporate into your diet to prevent various cancers.

  • Tomatoes are one of the best vegetables to have to prevent several chronic diseases, including several cancers. Cancer is often developed through the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cancerous cells that begin to invade into other portions of the body. Cancer is accelerated by the presence of free radicals, which damage tissues throughout our body and allow the proliferation to multiply. (2)

  • However, tomatoes have been shown to help protect against many cancers, including lung, stomach, and prostate cancers. (3, 4, 5)

  • This is due to the high antioxidant nature of tomatoes. The antioxidants help fight against these free radicals and can prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.

    • Specifically, lycopene, which is an antioxidant found most abundantly in tomatoes, is believed to be linked to a number of cancer prevention abilities that tomatoes have shown over several studies. (6)

    • One study even showed that the higher levels of carotenoids found in tomatoes might be a direct link to the reduced risk of breast cancer. (7)

  • Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C content. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce your risk for a number of cancers such as lung, breast, blood, and colorectal cancers. (8, 9, 10, 11)

¿Cómo los tomates previenen la diabetes?

  • The lycopene that is found in tomatoes has been shown to help prevent type 2 diabetes.

  • Tomatoes have a low glycemic index rating, which indicates that they do not alter your blood sugar levels dramatically after a meal. (12)

  • When this is combined with the antioxidants and fiber present in tomatoes, the nutrients in tomatoes allow you to fight against type 2 diabetes and prevent any dramatic spikes in the blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation present in the body.

  • Specifically, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, folate, and other flavonoids act together as antioxidants to help protect against type 2 diabetes.

¿Cómo los tomates previenen las enfermedades cardiovasculares?

  • Tomatoes can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Typically, cardiovascular disease is caused by an accumulation of bad LDL cholesterol. Over time, this cholesterol will combine to form larger clumps that can block the blood vessels in your body and inhibit blood supply to certain areas of your body. Ultimately, this can lead to heart disease and strokes from taking place. (13)

  • To combat this, tomatoes have been shown to utilize their lycopene and beta-carotene levels and lower the total LDL cholesterol in your body.

    • Specifically, studies have shown that tomatoes increase your apolipoprotein a1 levels. This is a protein that has an important role in lipid metabolism. In addition to this finding, the study found that tomatoes decrease your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. So, this shows that tomatoes have a beneficial effect on preventing cardiovascular diseases. (14)

  • These antioxidants can help fight against the inflammation on your blood vessels, and even prevent blood clotting from taking place. The compounds will provide a protective inner layer on the blood vessels, which, in turn, will lower your risk for blood clotting. (15)

El tomate promueve una serie de beneficios para la salud

Tomato not only helps to prevent diseases but support and promote the function of several important systems in our bodies.

¿Cómo los tomates promueven la digestión?

  • Tomatoes are high in fiber and also have high water level content. As a result, tomatoes can help you maintain regular bowel movements. The soluble fiber will help feed our healthy bacteria in your gut. At the same time, the insoluble fiber found in tomatoes will make it easier for food to pass through your gut. So, it relieves you of constipation and can help improve your overall digestive health. (16)

¿Cómo los tomates promueven la salud inmunológica?

  • Tomatoes promote immune health through the rich antioxidants and vitamin C content. The antioxidants can help fight against the free radicals. Specifically, vitamin C helps produce white blood cells, which can help fight against the common infections that we may face, such as the common cold. (17)

¿Cómo los tomates promueven la salud ósea?

  • Similar to other vegetables, tomatoes have vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for bone formation and bone density repair. Ultimately, the more vitamin K that you have in your body, the less likely you are to suffer from diseases such as osteoporosis. (18) Though it should be noted that excessive consumption of vitamin k can be poisonous, as it is a fat soluble vitamin. Therefore, maintaining healthy levels is the most effective way to help in bone formation.

¿Cómo los tomates promueven la salud de la piel?

  • Tomatoes are loaded in compounds that can protect the skin from sunburns. This includes lycopene and vitamin C, which both have been shown to improve skin health and prevent wrinkle formation as we become older. (19)