¿Cómo las remolachas ayudan a promover un estilo de vida saludable?

Contenido Nutritivo


Excelente Fuente de: 

  • Folato – 37%

Buena Fuente de: 

  • Vitamina C – 11%

También una fuente de:

  • Vitamina B6 – 5%


Excelente Fuente de: 

  • Manganeso –37%

Buena Fuente de: 

  • Potasio – 13%

También una fuente de:

  • Magnesio – 8%
  • Hierro – 6%
  • Cobre – 5%


Excelente Fuente de: 

  • Fibra – 15%

También una fuente de:

  • Antioxidantes: Betalaínas, Beta Caroteno, Ácido Cafeico
  • Nitratos

* Toda la información nutricional de (1)

¿Cómo las remolachas previenen las enfermedades crónicas?

Beets are a very unique vegetable, as they provide more sugar than most vegetables. Despite this fact, beets are still an excellent resource for a the prevention of chronic disease.

¿Cómo la remolacha puede ayudar a prevenir el cáncer?

La remolacha contiene una serie de compuestos que la convierten en un recurso interesante para la prevención del cáncer.

  • Beets contain compounds called betalains. These compounds give beets their deep, red color. Studies have shown that these compounds have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. (2) Cancer is often caused by chronic exposure to inflammation and oxidative stress from free radicals in our cells. Betalains help limit these issues by neutralizing inflammatories and oxidants to prevent tissue damage and further spread of cancer. More studies need to be executed to confirm the current findings; however, the results are promising thus far.
  • Beets also contain another class of antioxidants called carotenoids. Specifically, the dominant carotenoid in beets is beta carotene, which has strong anti-cancer properties. (2) Beta carotene obtained in your diet and has been shown to reduce our risk for lung cancer in non-smokers. (3)

¿Cómo las remolachas ayudan a prevenir las enfermedades cardiovasculares?

  • Presión arterial: Beets are an excellent resource in combatting high blood pressure. They are loaded in nitrates, which cause our blood vessels to vasodilate or open more. This allows blood flow to have less resistance and, ultimately lowers blood pressure. (4) Another nutrient found in beets that helps with blood pressure control is potassium. Beets are a good source of potassium, which works to combat the effects salt has on blood pressure. (5) Controlling blood pressure also has been shown to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. (6)

Las remolachas promueven una serie de beneficios para la salud

¿Cómo las remolachas promueven el rendimiento atlético?

Beets’ ability to dilate our blood vessels also helps with athletic performance. When our blood vessels are dilated, more oxygen can reach our cells, which helps to improve performance. A collection of studies showed that drinking beetroot juice before working out improved performance of an endurance-based activity. (7)

¿Cómo las remolachas promueven la función cerebral?

Cognitive decline is often associated with reduced cerebral blood flow. This reduced blood flow is associated with dementias like Alzheimer’s. One study showed that individuals that consumed dietary nitrates, like those found in beetroot juice, have increased blood flow in the frontal cortex. The frontal cortex is responsible for essential cognitive processes and executive functions. (10) Further research on these topics needs to be carried out to confirm these promising results.

¿Cómo las remolachas promueven la digestión?

Beets are a good source of fiber. Fiber helps to add bulk to our stool, which regulates movement and alleviates constipation. (8)

¿Cómo las remolachas promueven la salud inmunológica?

Unlike most vegetables, beets are a good source of vitamin C, which is one of the most notable nutrients that support immune function. (9)